Damon Norfolk is a Saint Louis Native with an extremely rich and flavorful variety of experience. Since childhood, he has had a flair for announcing and voice over which is apparent through his work with The Muny 1st Stage Children’s Theater & The Muny 1st Stage Touring Company as well as the Saint Louis Black Repertory Theater and his appearance on the “Two Johns” Show (KMOX). His passion and ability shine through his background as a News Broadcaster/Disc
Jockey for KATZ AM 1600 and co-host for WGNU 920 AM “Reality Radio.” Damon served as the emcee for the 2007 National Storytelling Network and the announcer for live events at the National Park Service and the City Lights Fashion Show, “Designs to Conquer Spring 2008.” He has been the distinctive voice on radio ads for the City of Saint Louis Department of Health and the Gospel Announcers’ Guild, St. Louis Chapter. Damon emceed the production The Harlem Renaissance Comes to St. Louis! In a film honoring Shalom Church’s Minister of Music Dello Thedford, Damon was the V.O. artist. Damon received his Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Lindenwood University.